My Help Comes from Almighty God!
Where Does My Help Come From?
Each year God highlights the Psalm that corresponds with the year; this year is Psalms 121. This Psalm is extremely significant because, within the short eight verses, we gain much-needed insights concerning the source of our help. These precious truths are valuable, revealing how we live victorious as we look to Almighty God as our source of help and guidance.
I will lift up my eyes to the hills, From whence shall my help come?
Psalms 121:1
It seems mankind has a tendency to seek help in all the wrong places. It is sad; many are looking everywhere but to God. Where does my help come from? To obtain the correct answer, we must read Psalms 121:2:
My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth!
Almighty God, the Creator of the entire universe, is our source of help and strength.