The spirit realm, both good and evil, certainly exists. God and His holy angels exist, and the supernatural realm is real. Likewise, the devil and his wicked demons are an actual reality. In our modern society, many scoff at the reality of angels and demons or even the existence of the supernatural. However, to remain uninformed concerning such issues could prove to be extremely costly. The supreme source of enlightenment is the Word of God; only there is the truth revealed. The Bible is precise and accurate in what it reveals concerning the spirit world. In these pages, I will share what the Bible teaches us and many of my personal encounters with angels. This book will be informational, but more than that, it will be inspirational. You will be inspired to seek a deeper walk with Christ Jesus. In these pages, you will discover the names and ranks of different angels. You will see the ministry and mandate they have been commissioned to conduct. You will also discover how to wage spiritual warfare against the forces of darkness successfully. We are victorious because we are serving Christ the victorious King (see Romans 8:37). It is extremely comforting to know the angels of God are camped about us and fighting alongside us in our battles (see Psalm 91:11).
Open not only your mind but also your spirit as you began this intriguing study of God’s heavenly helpers. The insights within these 170 pages may completely change your spiritual life. In these dark and dangerous days of uncertainty, we need all of Heaven’s help we can receive! Order today!