By: Bobby Conner
I was ministering in a civic center in Mexico City several years ago. About 50,000 people were packed into the meetings. Through an interpreter, I was preaching about the Lord’s power to do great and mighty things.
As I prayed for people during the ministry time, a dear man cradling a baby girl began walking down the aisle toward me. I looked into the father’s tender eyes and could see his desperate heart’s cry. When I focused on his precious little girl, I understood his pain. With her raven black hair and her sparkling, dark eyes, the baby girl was beautiful—but when she turned the side of her face toward me, what I saw took my breath away. One side of her face was missing. I could see into her mouth, her jaw and tongue were exposed, and saliva was flowing down her dress. Oh, Lord! I gasped. What will you do?
Suddenly, I no longer saw or heard the thousands attending the meeting, but was transported out of the present into the future. I found myself standing in the little girl’s room. She was three or four years old—old enough to realize that she was disfigured—and lying across her bed with her face in a pillow, sobbing.
The scene then changed. The girl was about 10 or 11, standing in the corner of her room with her face against the wall, crying once more. Once again the scene changed and the girl was 15. We were no longer in her room but standing on the curb of an extremely busy street. As the cars and trucks sped past, the girl slowly turned her face toward me. With the most desperate look imaginable, the girl suddenly hurled herself in front of a bus, instantly dying. I began to scream, No, no!
Suddenly I was transported back to the civic center amidst the throng of people, aware of the desperate daddy holding his precious girl. My heart was still pounding from the future events I had just witnessed. I asked the Lord, What do you want me to do?
His response was soft and gentle, Take your thumb and rub it across the side of her missing face. I did just that, extending my thumb and rubbing it across the huge hole in her face.
As I slowly moved my thumb, God grew the little girl a brand new, lovely face! The miracle happened in a split second.
I do not have human words to describe how I felt. My entire body was electric. My legs were so weak I could hardly stand. Then the Lord spoke to me, saying; Bobby do you know why I healed this girl? I simply replied, No Lord! Then He said, Because I am a good God!
He then gave me this passage from Nahum 1:7:
The Lord is good,
A stronghold in the day of trouble;
And He knows those who trust in Him.
From that moment, this precious promise has been one of my favorite verses in the Bible.
The deepest longing of my heart is for all to understand and embrace the goodness and grace of God. His plans for us are perfect (Romans 8:28). Even in the midst of pain and overwhelming trouble, God’s help is near.
Reach out to Him, casting all your care upon Him, because He cares for you (Psalms 55:22).
Bobby Conner
EaglesView Ministries
Bullard, Texas 75757 U.S.A