By Bobby Conner 

Greetings Beloved! Before we get started, please let me reveal and bare my heart! I am a very positive person, happy from the inside out! I have a wonderful assignment from God; my call and commission from God is to the nations of our world. For over forty-six years I have endeavored to be faithful to respond as God has sent me to the ends of the earth. Along with many others I’ve been entrusted to release His precious word, helping the Saints of God to be better equipped to hear and heed the Word of God, thus helping us to better walk in the ways and wisdom of God.

At this season our nation, the United States of America is in serious trouble! Have no doubt, I love our nation and I want to bless our nation, but I must sound the alarm! We are beyond mere human help; we must have Divine Intervention! We must repent and return to God. Like the “Watchman” of Isaiah 21:11-12, I too see both brilliant light of a new day dawning and yet the thick gloom of darkness approaching. 

It is a huge mistake to place all the blame for the deplorable condition of our nation on our dysfunctional government. The burden must rest upon the Church! We must awake and take a strong stand for Truth (see—Proverbs 23:23).

My desire is to see our nation truly be one nation under God. Even in this dark time, I have a huge hope within my heart; somehow we are going to be totally stunned by the goodness of God (see—Habakkuk 1:5). 

I assure you our nation can turn back to Our First Love and this can become our finest hour. Don’t loose heart, don’t loose hope, our God is a good, good God. But we can’t continue to turn our backs on God, and reject His ways. A mighty wind of repentance will sweep across the Body of Christ; with broken and contrite hearts we will approach the throne of God, seeking His tender mercies. 

Almighty God in many ways has blessed our nation more than any nation on earth. However, it seems today as though we are completely adrift morally, politically, and spiritually. Our forefathers never dreamed we would be where we are today. 

Many times I have heard from people all over America who are stunned and shocked at the rapid decline in our core values. I agree, and many of them say, “I wish there was something we could do.” Well, there is! It’s time to cry out in sincere prayer to God (see—Jeremiah 33:3). Without question, I believe God has called us to boldly seek His face (see—Jeremiah 29:12-13).

We’re in deep, desperate need of heartfelt, radical repentance. It is time to challenge Christians across our land to boldly live out their faith and to pray fervently and faithfully for our nation and all its leaders. It is time to rebuild the walls as in Nehemiah’s day. 

Beloved, I want to say it again: America is in deep trouble. At my age I’ve lived long enough to clearly discern that no political party or politician is the answer. The Lord is not looking to a certain political party; no, He is looking to His people to arise and take authority over the prevailing darkness (see—Matthew 18:18).

The only hope for this country is Almighty God and His Son. Our nation will not be healed by the “White House,” speaking of political action, but from the “Church House,” speaking concerning the actions of the Saints of Go 

Nevertheless, we can’t simply set by and expect God to move on our behalf without our sincere actions. Scripture reminds us we have not because we ask not (seeJames 4:2). First and foremost, we must intercede, pray, and seek the face and heart of God (see—Psalms 24:3-4). It’s time to come clean before God.

Don’t merely set on the sidelines and watch; I want to encourage Christians to get out and vote in the coming election year. I am not endorsing any political candidates, but I sincerely urge people to vote for those on the ballot who uphold biblical principles. Our vote should be cast for those who display upright moral character, courage, and genuine integrity.

Just imagine what an outstanding difference it could make if in the next election Christians first and foremost went to God in true repentance and prayer, received Holy Spirit direction, then went to the polls in unprecedented numbers!

We should have Spirit-filled Christians running for every elected office available at all levels—local, state, and national (see—Psalms 115:16)! Our goal should be to place Spirit-filled Christians as school board members, city council members, judges, mayors—all of these are such critical positions. 

God’s Word declares when the righteous rule the people rejoice (see—Proverbs 29:2). 

Never forget we are called to function as salt and light (see—Matthew 5:13-14). Just think of what would happen if the school board in your own community were made up of true Christians. I am totally sure things would begin to change for the better in those schools. 

Jesus said we are to be the salt and the light in this world. Salt preserves and can bring healing. We are to speak the truth of God’s Word to a society that is racing in the opposite direction, in moral decline, at warp speed. Jesus said that as lights, we are to shine brightly—up on a lampstand so everyone can see and not be hidden under a basket. 

Jesus instructs us, Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.— Matthew 5:16

The Saints of God can’t sit idly by any longer. LGBT activists, abortion rights advocates, aggressive atheist groups, and others who ignore God’s Word are forcefully trying to shove their agenda down our throats. This is no time to be passive and inactive. 

It is imperative that we take every opportunity to speak up for biblical standards and let our lights shine. We need to work to preserve our religious freedoms so that we can continue to proclaim the Gospel freely (see—Jude). If we as Christians stand united together and let our voices clearly be heard I believe God can use us to make a difference. I hope you will start praying for your spiritual leaders now. Prayer truly moves the hand of God. 

Yes, a thousand times over I want to state God is a God of love and tender mercy, however, He is Holy and demands that we be holy (see—1 Peter 1:14-15). We will find out that there is a huge, high price for our low living. The wages of sin is still death, separation from God (seeRomans 6:23). God declares His ear is not deaf nor is His hand weak; it is our sins that have separated Him from responding to us (seeIsaiah 59:1-2). Sin within our heart keeps God from responding to our prayers (see—Psalms 66:18).

In the upcoming Shepherd’s Rod 2016 book I cover in much deeper detail the moving message of Habakkuk; it is current for our day. His name has great importance; it speaks of “Embrace” or “Firmly Grasping.” If ever we need to embrace God and firmly grasp His Holy Word and ways, it is NOW. 

Yes, we will see shakings and events that grasp our attention, but in the midst of judgments our God will remember mercy (see—Lamentations 3:20-21). It is time to cry out in true heartfelt repentance, seeking God’s great mercy for our individual lives and our nation (see2 Chronicles 7:14).

He is a good God and a faithful Father (seeNahum 1:7). His heart is to help us not to hurt us, to purify us not to punish us. 

Bless you and your journey with Jesus. I pray Psalms 115:14-15 rest upon you and your entire family.

Bobby Conner - Eagles View Ministries
Bullard, Texas
75757 USA.