By Bobby Conner
December 20, 2014
The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace. So they shall put My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them. —Numbers 6:24–27
God said, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased” —Matthew 17:5.
God desires to be able to state the very same thing about us. We, too, can have this acclaim from the Father. Our life’s foremost goal is to bring God “good pleasure!” The Spirit of God is placing great emphasis upon the establishing of God’s Kingdom. The cry has come forth, “...on earth as it is in heaven.” True contentment abounds and joy overflows when you recognize that your life is delighting the Lord. Nothing in this world can convey such a feeling of achievement as accomplishing what God has given you to do. Our highest purpose and most noble quest should be to live in such a manner as to make everything we do fully pleasing to the Lord (see —Colossians 1:9–10).
The apostle Paul penned these incredibly encouraging words in Philippians 2:13:
For it is God who works in you, both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
Notice the promise of co-laboring with God: it is God working within you both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Our question should be, “Just what is it that brings God this good pleasure?” The answer is as follows: we discover (from Christ) that finding a people in whom He can release true Kingdom authority brings God the Father good pleasure.
It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. —Luke 12:32
Praise the Lord there will be a swift advancing of the Kingdom message across the entire Body of Christ during these days. It is very encouraging to see God’s Kingdom emerging.
When God calls and commissions one for a task, He always provides the power to accomplish the deed (see —Hebrews 13:20-21). Remember, through Christ we can do all things (see —Philippians 4:13). There is something exhilarating and electrifying when the Holy Spirit is in control and we are in the right place for the right reason. Like Esther, we too are in the Kingdom for such a time as this (see —Esther 4:14.).
There is such a feeling of satisfaction knowing that you are in the right place for the right purpose, in being sure you’re doing what God has destined you to do. This is the life that is contented and fruitful. God has called us to redeem the time; we are to make the most of each moment (see —Ephesians 5:15–17).
Set your goals higher and never settle for second best, because God desires to give you Kingdom power (see Matthew 6:33). It is true—we will find Him when we set our whole heart to seek Him (see —Jeremiah 29:12–13).
In the hustle bustle of these busy days, keep Christ Jesus the center of your activities and outstanding peace and satisfaction will flood your life (see Isaiah 26:3).
I pray this prayer and promise for you and your family revealed in Psalms 115:14-15:
May the LORD give you increase,
both you and your children.
May you be blessed by the LORD,
who made heaven and earth.
Bobby Conner
EaglesView Ministries